Section: Application Domains

Application Domains

In two years, ESTASYS should lead to the creation of a top class research team at Inria as well as to an interdisciplinary community of researchers and practitioners at the world level.

ESTASYS sets the foundations for an engineering domain dedicated to SoS that will benefit the European software industry. This is achieved by creating mathematical models that capture the computational power, autonomous decisions and complex stochastic and real-time dynamics of SoS. ESTASYS produces new decidability and complexity results, simulation-based techniques, and algorithms with correctness arguments. All aim at efficient reasoning about SoS and are traced back to case studies. Our strategy to work in close collaboration with contact in industry will guarantee their wider adoption by the european software industry.

In the near future, The ESTASYS-PLASMA toolset will be distributed as open source whenever possible, but will create a new market of tools for SoS.